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///   Partner With C4C

Supporting Us, Supporting You

Cycle4Caroline will welcome a select number of official partners who support the objectives of the charity cycle ride. If you are interested in partnering with C4C we would love to hear from you. Please email and we will send you our partnership pack with more information about how you can get involved.

Brand Exposure   ///   POA

What We Offer

Cycle4Caroline can offer the following opportunities to brands who would like to partner with us:

  • Logo at the start/finish of each leg

  • ​Logo on clothing of riders and/or support crew

  • Logo on support vehicles

  • Logo on media board

  • Logo and content on C4C website

  • Dedicated social media posts

  • Appearances before/during/after cycle ride

  • Online Zoom/Teams meetings

We can also accommodate requests to tailor packages to suit your specific objectives. Please get in touch for more information.

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